en English

Everything you need to know about: USB Type-C receptacle pins.

To understand how to choose the right Type C cable, you need to know that its interface definition is the most basic, and each pin represents the function that can be achieved by each corresponding.

The same Type C interface, but with different functions.

To understand how to choose the right Type C cable, you need to know that its interface definition is the most basic, and each pin represents the function that can be achieved by each corresponding.

1. If you only use USB 2.0, just use A6, A7, B6, B7 directly, connect A6 to B6 for D+, and A7 to B7 for D-. Other data pins can be left floating.

2. To use USB 3.1, two sets of TX+/- and two sets of RX+/- need to be connected for high-speed data transmission.

3. The power-related pins are A4, A9; B4, B9, that is, the power cord on the USB cable, the four outermost pins at both ends are the power ground.

4. It is worth noting that the configuration pins are A5, B5, CC1 and 2. For connection discovery, configuration, and management, for plugs, there is only one CC, and for sockets, there are two: CC1 and 2.
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